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Emerging Leaders Program FAQs

How and when did the Emerging Leaders Program begin at Marist?

第一个新兴领导者项目(ELP)始于2004年,当时有35名学生参加了一个周末领导力静修. 该模式在2005-2006学年改为非学分领导力证书课程. In 2006-2007, bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学获得了一项为期一个学期的拨款,允许它与国家领导与成功学会(NSLS)签约。.

我们建立了合作伙伴关系,为参与者提供了在Marist获得认可的机会,同时也有资格成为超过82个网络的终身会员,000 college and university students. NSLS的bet亚洲365欢迎投注分会成立于2006年10月4日,有67名成员. 今天,我们的分会有500多名学生.


The Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) is a Marist run, 非学分证书课程,为学生提供各种独特的机会来定义, discover, and develop their leadership style. It is the umbrella under which the NSLS is housed.

The National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS)是一个荣誉学会,在全国有500多个分会. The Society is an organization that helps people discover and achieve their goals; offers life-changing lectures from the nation’s leading presenters and a community where like-minded success oriented individuals come together and help one another succeed.

How can I earn an Emerging Leaders Certificate?

To earn an Emerging Leaders Certificate, 你必须在整个学年参加六个或更多的活动. 参加全国领导与成功协会的网络直播也可以算作获得证书的活动. Students can earn an ELP certificate on an annual basis. 重要的是,学生在参加活动之前注册,以获得证书学分. 

How do I register for any of the ELP or NSLS events at Marist?

At the beginning of each semester, 你会收到一封电子邮件,上面列出了本学期计划的所有活动. This email includes both ELP and NSLS events, 我们强烈建议大家尽可能多地报名. To register, 只需在注册页面中选择您希望参加的研讨会或电视节目 您将收到您成功注册的每个活动的确认电子邮件.





National Society of Leadership and Success FAQs


这种终身会员资格允许访问NSLS网站上的资源, which includes awards, scholarships, customized letters of recommendation, a collection of Telecasts and other features.

Is there a fee to join NSLS?

There is a one-time $95 fee. This fee is a lifetime fee. Therefore, members are not required to pay an annual fee.

When registering for NSLS, what should I put as my GPA?

When prompted to enter your GPA upon registration, please either list your high school GPA or simply put 4.0 (which is what you begin your Marist career with).

How do I become an Inducted Member of NSLS at Marist College?

To become an Inducted Member of the NSLS at Marist, you must attend orientation, register for, 在学年内参加并完成至少三次网络广播(国家演讲)活动, 在一个学期内完成并发布与成功网络团队(snt)至少连续三次会议的结果,并在一个学年内参加至少三次新兴领导者计划的研讨会. 建议学生在一个学期内完成入职要求,因为SNT要求不会延续到下学期.  

What is a Success Networking Team (SNT)?

圣母学院的SNT是一个由六名学生组成的小组,他们互相见面讨论, plan and execute their long-term or short-term goals. snt的学生相互负责,以确保在实现目标方面取得重大进展. snt之所以成功,是因为学生们为团队中的每个成员提供指导和支持.  

To be eligible for NSLS membership, SNT members must complete at least three consecutive meetings, which are held bi-weekly. 在会议结束后24小时内在网上提交一份报告,表明会议已经结束. 

How much time does a SNT take?

SNT meetings take place at your convenience. Therefore, your team is responsible for setting times to meet. 此外,会议通常需要一个小时,应该每隔一周举行一次,以确保朝着既定目标取得进展. 

What is Leadership Training Day?

领袖训练日的目的是为所有会员参与本会的工作定下基调和承诺. At Marist, 领导力培训日包括参加至少三个来自新兴领导者计划的研讨会. 

How do I report my SNT attendance?

To report your SNT attendance, you must login to the NSLS website and on the member’s row, click on “Success Networking Teams”. 回答页面上提供的问题,并在完成答案后点击“提交”按钮. 

Can I keep track of my membership status?

Yes. In fact, all Members are expected to monitor their own progress. To view your membership status, you must login to the NSLS website and click on “membership status”, 它会告诉你哪些要求已经完成了,哪些要求还没有完成. 

How do I create an account?

在Marist,您将收到一封电子邮件,邀请您成为NSLS的待定会员. 这封信将包括一个个性化的代码,将需要开始您的在线注册, which can be completed at the NSLS Invitation Page.




To view NSLS awards and scholarships, 您可以登录NSLS网站,将光标放在“会员”选项卡上,然后单击“奖学金” & awards” link.