





是的; use the 核心规划工作表

You may choose a Pathway that facilitates your pursuit of proficiency in French, 意大利, or Spanish. Elementary and/or intermediate-level courses in these and other languages also play a role in numerous 通路, e.g. 全球研究,拉丁美洲 & Caribbean Studies, Contemporary European Studies, or Medieval & 文艺复兴时期的研究. If you have completed your Breadth and Pathway requirements in under 36 credits, you can also use foreign-language courses at any level of study to reach the 36-credit threshold.

访问 在马克思主义核心的外语学习 了解更多信息.

In most cases the course will be used to fulfill a Core Breadth requirement. 

Students who think they might wish to travel abroad should definitely consider how they might fulfill either Breadth or Pathway requirements during this semester. 许多途径与国际学习有很好的重叠. In addition to taking courses for 通路 associated with a particular culture (e.g. 意大利 & 意大利-American Studies), students often can take issue-oriented courses while studying abroad (e.g. courses related to Gender Studies, Public Health, or Environmental Studies). 

Questions Related to the 第一年研讨会, the 常见的阅读ing, and Writing for College

Fall semester FYS placements are determined by students' providing their top course choices in the summer before they come to the College. 

The semester in which you will take the FYS is determined by your major field of study and by any special scheduling requirements you might have, e.g.参加bet亚洲365欢迎投注. Students entering in fall 2018 who have not been placed in a fall 2018 第一年研讨会 will register for a spring 2019 FYS as part of the regular registration process in November.

If you brought in fewer than 24 credits to Marist, you need to take an FYS. If you took a course similar to the FYS at your previous institution, the 注册商 will review this course in consultation with the Core Director to determine whether or not it satisfies this requirement. 

是的. 如果您是转学生,请访问我们的 转学生核心信息 浏览更多详情.


The overview provides a good introduction to goals and policies related to the 通路. 详情如下, each Pathway must contain four courses covering at least three different disciplines. If you want to take courses in four different disciplines, that is also fine.

You may select your Pathway during your first semester at the College. You MUST declare your Pathway by the time you register for your third semester of courses. This means that most students need to pick their Pathway by April of their freshman year.

You identify the Pathway you have chosen by filling out the form in collaboration with your advisor. 

是的! 当你选择你的道路, 然后, you might want to be strategic about using Core requirements to explore a potential minor or second major. You don’t have to worry about the credits going to waste because they will be fulfilling requirements for your Core. 如果你最终想要更充分地追求这个领域, 然后 you have already taken several courses that will work toward completing the minor or second major.

是的. 即使你以这种方式“双底”课程, 然而, you still need to accumulate 36 total distribution credits as part of your Core.

是的. You may take one course outside Core Breadth areas if the class has been approved for inclusion in the Pathway you have chosen. 看个人 衔接课程列表 以查看哪些课程已被批准.

在许多情况下,他们可以. If you want to know whether or not an Honors/special-topics course will count for a Breadth requirement, 问问荣誉主任或核心主任.

As with Honors and special-topics courses, in many instances they can. Potential Breadth courses must be approved by department chairs in the Breadth area (e.g. the English department chair evaluates courses for the Literature Breadth requirement). Potential Pathway courses should be approved by the Core Director.

是的, if the 注册商 (in consultation with the Core Director) determines that the course's content is sufficiently applicable to the Pathway’s topic.

No. 为 logistical and academic reasons, students must choose from the established Pathway list.


请联系博士. C. R. Muller, Director of the Core/Liberal Studies Program, at 凯思琳.muller@dayoushengwu.net.