Through Her Eyes: Student Reflects on Impact of Her 11-Country 出国留学 Journey in Asia

维罗妮卡·沃格尔曼,26岁,市场营销专业 & 通信的实习生
26岁的维罗妮卡·沃格尔曼第一次参观泰姬陵. 照片由维罗妮卡·沃格尔曼提供.

下面的故事是维罗妮卡·沃格尔曼26年写的, 主修心理学和西班牙语,辅修全球研究. Veronica gives us a first-person perspective as she guides us through her study abroad experience in the 亚洲留学计划(ASAP), where she journeyed through 11 countries to study international business and learned how to become a global citizen. This program is open to all students, 包括 those not studying business.

2月20日, 2024年,穿过一片鲜红的海洋, 黄色的, 橙色, 还有蓝色纱丽, I found myself face-to-face with the most ornate archway I’ve ever seen — the gateway to a picturesque view of the Taj Mahal in India, 在它所有的荣耀中, 感觉自己就像在明信片里. 不一会儿,就下起了倾盆大雨. I was soaked, but all consumed in the beauty around me, living in the moment. It felt strange to be in one of the most famous places in the world so far away from home and yet I felt I belonged, 探索, 学习, 和感觉.


Visceral, immersive, and unique are the only ways to describe the 亚洲留学计划(ASAP). 我花了整整一个学期的时间在东南亚各地奔波, 穿越印度, 尼泊尔, 泰国, 柬埔寨, 越南, 马来西亚, 新加坡, 印尼, 台湾, 日本, 和韩国. 由两位项目主管指导, 一个来自美国,一个来自泰国, my fellow students and I were taught how to become global citizens.


在进入每个国家之前, 10个项目参与者都做了“国别简报”,” in which they spent a week researching the history of the country, 政治上的排名, 国际关系, 商业环境, 货币, 菜, 宗教, 语言, 和文化. These briefings prepared the rest of the group for the upcoming travel day so we could all successfully and respectfully explore our new destination. They were a way for us to become more conscious of cultural differences and respectfully navigate different parts of the world.

Image of ASAP ’23 students interact with other visitors at the Taj Mahal.

ASAP '23学生在泰姬陵与其他游客互动. 照片由维罗妮卡·沃格尔曼提供.

整个学期, we were given full independence and were encouraged to explore between our classes, 这些都是通过Zoom亲自教授的吗, 允许最大的灵活性. We studied business courses, Asian cultural studies, and world 宗教s.

“What I love most about ASAP is the hands-on and experiential nature of the program,” said Dr. 约翰·彼得斯,国际事务副教务长. “学生们在学术和文化上都面临挑战. 参与者发展出更大的独立性, 弹性, 以及解决问题的能力, as they navigate their way through multiple cultures and countries.”


We were offered the incredible opportunity to participate in several company visits, 包括福特泰国制造, 越南海阳福特, 泰国宝马, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu jaiyo,泰国, Dunhumby印度, 泰国Summit Laemchabang汽车车身加工公司. These visits provided us the chance to attend real business meetings with corporate higher-ups and learn about professional international environments. 我们了解了不同类型的公司业务是如何运作的, 从供应链到营销, 企业文化, 法律问题, 以及全球扩张.

“ASAP是一次令人难以置信的经历,有很多机会, 不仅仅是穿越11个不同的国家, 更重要的是能够将我所学到的东西付诸实践,25岁的伊丽莎白·格兰霍姆说. “By interacting with local cultures and visiting different companies during my time abroad, 我对周围的世界有了更大的欣赏.”


Image of Veronica Vogelman ‘26 and Elizabeth Granholm ’25 tour the Floating Village Kamplong Pluk, 柬埔寨.
Veronica Vogelman '26 and Elizabeth Granholm '25 tour the Floating Village Kamplong Pluk, 柬埔寨. 照片由维罗妮卡·沃格尔曼提供.

除了建立我们的专业组合, the program directors encouraged us to see as much as we could in each country. They helped foster our skill-building by asking us to learn the ins and outs of the public transit systems in each country. 到我们旅行到一半的时候, most of us felt completely comfortable navigating any kind of transit in any country, 包括, 但不限于, 火车, 公共汽车, 出租车, tuk-tuks (three-wheeled motorized vehicles popular in Southeast Asia), 有时甚至是船. We could travel virtually anywhere in each country 包括 some of the most interesting cultural sites I’d ever seen, 比如柬埔寨的吴哥窟, 泰国的素贴, 越南的古芝隧道, 柬埔寨的水上村庄, 新加坡的超级树, 以及尼泊尔的猴庙.

不可思议的旅行 & 经历

感谢ASAP的灵活性, I was able to take a 24-hour excursion with a friend to climb the most unique volcano in the world, Ijen, 在印度尼西亚的爪哇岛. 这座火山是世界上有蓝色熔岩的两座火山之一. This experience stood out far beyond anything I’d ever done in my life and I couldn’t be more grateful for this kind of unique opportunity.

Image of Veronica Vogelman ’26 at the blue lava crater of Ijen volcano in Java, 印尼.

Veronica Vogelman ’26 at the blue lava crater of Ijen volcano in Java, 印尼. 照片由维罗妮卡·沃格尔曼提供.

在我离家三个月带着行李箱生活的时候, 我学到的东西比我一生中所学的总和还要多. I grew comfortable being alone and navigating through foreign countries. I learned how to communicate with people despite 语言 barriers, 如何适应和灵活, 以及如何尊重其他文化. I can say with complete certainty that this was the most transformative experience of my life so far, and I would absolutely recommend this program to anyone who is up for an adventure.


只在秋天提供, the 亚洲留学计划(ASAP) is a full semester abroad experience ideal for business majors and minors seeking unparalleled insight into international business and for other majors and minors wanting to see and experience the variety of cultures across a broad sweep of Asia. 公司访问, 国际节目, 反思性文化体验, and contact with the local businesses 和文化s are signature aspects of the program.
