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11月20日, 2023 —  Marist’s international 项目 rank better than ever before 和 continue to lead the nation.

根据 国际教育学院bet亚洲365欢迎投注再次在全国排名第一 留学一学年 项目. 今年,该学院还夺得了“最佳学生”的桂冠 学期在国外 有史以来第一次的节目, reflecting the value 和 popularity of Marist’s extensive international offerings for students. 

该研究所与美国大学联合发布了这份排名.S. 国务院的门户开放报告. 的 rankings are 为 2021-2022 academic year of master’s granting institutions.

除了获得这些顶级排名之外, bet亚洲365欢迎投注在报告中其他许多类别的排名也有所上升, 包括:

  • 美国排名第三.S. for total number of students studying abroad (up from #5 last year)
  • #5 for overall study abroad participation rate (up from #9 last year)
  • #11 for its short-term study abroad 项目 (up from #17 last year)


在佛罗伦萨学习的学生探索这座城市丰富的历史. 图片来源:Carlo de Jesus/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

的 rankings add to previous accolades Marist has earned for its international 项目, 包括 参议员保罗·西蒙聚光灯奖 一年级的佛罗伦萨都柏林的经历, one of the most prestigious awards worldwide for excellence in international education. 的se unique first-year experiences enable incoming Marist students to spend their entire first year of college in either Florence or Dublin.

国际化是bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学的标志性优势. 约翰·彼得斯,国际事务副教务长. “适应新的文化, 通过出国留学, 或者我们在波基普西校区的国际学生, 经常被认为是关键和变革的.”

bet亚洲365欢迎投注 half of Marist students will spend time abroad as part of their education, 几乎是全国平均水平的五倍. bet亚洲365欢迎投注在佛罗伦萨的分校, Italy continues to create opportunities for students across areas of study. 与此同时, 在全球各地不断扩大的产品 提供实践经验, 实习, 和 cultural exchanges that have tremendous impact on student's development professionally 和 personally.

“Our students have these incredible opportunities to learn about themselves 和 the complexity 和 diversity of our shared story through international 和 intercultural exploration,彼得斯说。. “We strive to truly bring Marist to the world 和 the world to Marist.”

Image of students with program director Isabel Carrasco Castro in Spain.
Students tour Spain with Madrid program director Isabel Carrasco Castro (center). 图片由Marist Abroad提供.

课程在所有学习领域提供广泛的经验. 例如, 伊丽莎白庄稼汉, 她在2023年获得了人类生物学学位, conducted research on neuroscience at a leading hospital in Madrid while studying with Marist’s program in Spain. 的 rigorous experience incorporated Plowman into every aspect of the research process.

“圣母 西班牙计划 showed me how much I am capable of 和 allowed me to meet people from different life paths than myself,普洛曼说. “In pursuit of growth 和 a challenge, this was the perfect experience.”


Florence fashion students participate in 2023 Milan Fashion Week runway show. Jodi Hartmann摄于传播与艺术学院.

加布里埃尔·布鲁斯南25岁 时尚营销专业 在佛罗伦萨学习一个学期. She 和 her fellow students recently travelled to Milan to participate in Fashion Week, 世界上业内最独家的活动之一.

“Being able to travel around Italy to gain experience with such amazing individuals in the fashion industry put an emphasis on how semesters like these are a once in a lifetime opportunity,布鲁斯南说. “我交的朋友, 我所学习的老师, 和 the connections I have built here in Italy are truly one of a kind."

在爱尔兰学习的圣母学生探索这个国家. 图片由Marist Abroad提供.

Hunter Petro '27 is currently participating in the First-Year Dublin Experience program. 主修政治学, 彼得罗的目标是从事国际关系方面的职业, 和 says that his time in Dublin has already been transformative for his life 和 goals.

“Whether it’s strolling through the city streets on my way to class, 周末去新的欧洲国家度假, or immersing myself in a school environment that not only cares deeply about its students but involves them, spending my freshman year in Dublin was one of the best decisions for my college career 和 future,彼得罗说.

的 connections made while studying abroad create community for students that can last a lifetime.

“I had no idea at the time that my roommates would be some of the best friends I would ever have,24岁的莫妮卡·杜根说, who spent a semester studying at University College Cork in Irel和 in spring, 2023. “We still talk every day, 和 they definitely made my experience super special. 我非常喜欢科克,它很快就成了我的家.”

Some other offerings that contribute to Marist’s nation-leading 项目 include:

  • 亚洲多城市学期: 亚洲留学计划(ASAP) 包括一个完整的学期访问多个国家. 面向商科专业, 但对任何感兴趣的学生开放, the curriculum features visits to companies across the region to learn about management 和 organization.
  • 夏威夷教学联系: Participating in an abroad experience does not always mean you need a passport. 教育专业的学生可以在夏威夷教书, thanks to Marist’s strong network of alumni there 和 partnership with the Hawaii State Department of Education.
  • 加纳PA临床轮转: 的圣母 理学院开普敦海岸大学 为学生提供 医生的助手 master’s program the opportunity to complete clinical work in Ghana.

Marist continues its commitment to helping financial need students take full advantage of these 和 other study abroad opportunities as well. 的 “bet亚洲365欢迎投注经验中的总统公平基金 helps students attain support for a range of educational experiences, 包括短期海外实习课程. Nearly 50 students were awarded a total of about $150,000 from this fund in the 2023 spring semester.
