

计算机科学学院 & 数学


Being one of unique institutions with a true major in 网络安全, this program is designed to do more than teach you about the industry. It is designed to create a path for you to impact the future of cybersecurity. 在教职工领导下, 尖端技术, 以及这个项目提供的实践经验, you’ll not only earn your place in the industry – you’ll change, 改善, and navigate the cybersecurity industry even further into the future.


2023年11月12日,星期日 @ 10 a.m.

参加我们的 科技开放日 to learn more about our technology majors, including 计算机科学, 网络安全, Data 科学 & Analytics, 游戏设计 and 程序ming, and 资讯科技及系统. You'll have the opportunity to hear directly from the Dean of the School of 计算机科学与数学, and mingle with our faculty and students in our breakout tours that showcase our facilities.


Become the Next Leader in 网络安全 Through an Advanced Curriculum

Looking to make a difference in the future of cybersecurity? Our curriculum is designed to provide you with the tools to assume leadership roles in cybersecurity innovation. 您将了解:

  • Fundamental concepts based on established cybersecurity professional standards
  • 网络防御工具和技术
  • Security governance, risk management, auditing, and ethics
  • Penetration testing of data center servers, storage, and networks
  • 密码学,法医学和网络战
  • 移动设备和无线安全

我们提供专业, 小, 网络安全证书, 所以选择最适合你未来目标的选项.

“我想在我的领域获得更多的经验, I was able to join the Marist/IBM联合研究 which I had been interested since sophomore year. Here, I am researching Quantum Computing and how to code in it. 我很感激玛丽斯特给我的一切, 我相信bet亚洲365欢迎投注已经为我的成功做好了准备."

网络安全 Major, Minors in 计算机科学, 信息技术, and 刑事司法

Read DeAnna's Story>



Follow 网络安全 major, 曼迪Ambroise on a tour of her typical day on the Marist campus. Mandy shows us around campus and what she experiences on a daily basis: her dorm in Lavelle Hall, 北区餐饮, 以及汉考克中心, 包括最先进的安全行动中心.

应用 网络安全 Classroom Principles in our Security Operations Center

在圣母, we believe that a quality education includes frequent opportunities to practice techniques and learn by doing in a safe and hands-on environment. Our 网络安全 students get the most use out of our Security Operations Center – a cybersecurity hub that allows you to practice hacking, 防止自动入侵, 掌握网络防御技术, and conduct research on cybersecurity methods alongside experienced faculty.

Learn More bet亚洲365欢迎投注 the Security Operations Center >


网络安全 students utilize the Security Operations Center to studying attacks against electric power plants, 通过机上wifi入侵飞机, 保护胰岛素泵等无线医疗设备, 研究智能汽车和家庭助理的网络安全.



在圣母, you’ll be studying in a hands-on learning environment with faculty who are experts in the cybersecurity industry and are determined to continue to enhance the discipline.

事实上,博士. Casimer DeCusatis, who leads cybersecurity education and research for the School of 计算机科学与数学 and oversees the Security Operations Center, has decades of research and education experience in cybersecurity. Having worked as an IBM Distinguished Engineer and IBM Master Inventor, Dr. DeCusatis has over 150 patents and has co-autho红色的 more than 200 technical papers, 书的章节, 还有百科全书的文章.

View All Computing Technology 教师>

Internationally Recognized Career Destinations in 网络安全

在他们接受了bet亚洲365欢迎投注的教育之后, our 网络安全 students go on to careers with internationally recognized organizations all over the globe. Below are only a few examples of the career destinations our 网络安全 students work with:

网络安全实习地点标识:IBM, 国土安全, 特斯拉, USAA保险公司, 摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley), 和联想
Logos of 网络安全 internship locations: Verizon, Apple, Google, Goldman Sachs, J.P. 摩根和联邦调查局

Enrolling at bet亚洲365欢迎投注 marked Kulvinder’s first visit to the United 状态s. 在圣母, he decla红色的 a major in computer science and a 小 in cybersecurity. His journey to the US sparked his interest in travel which, combined with his interests in emerging technologies like blockchain and artificial intelligence, 表现为令人印象深刻的职业冒险. Lotay, along with his fellow confounders, have been recongized among 福布斯30位30岁以下青年 在《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》杂志上发表他们的软件, 哪家公司使用人工智能来衡量旅行风险, 比如航班延误的几率. Since launching in 2019, the company has analyzed over 200,000 flights.

Read Kulvinder’s Story at Marist >
Read the 为bes Story >


在圣母, we pride ourselves on our dedication to providing our students with a well-rounded liberal arts education that prepares them for practical experience and profound success in their field. But don't just take our word for it - the numbers speak for themselves.


Of current students are satisfied with their Marist Experience


Graduation rate, higher than the average for public and private colleges


Employed or attending grad school 6 months after graduation



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