
出 & bet亚洲365欢迎投注:马瑞斯特学生揭示徒步旅行的最佳选择 & 本性

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佐伊·费尔南德斯24岁,俯瞰哈德逊河. 图片来源:Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

2024年4月2日——春天来了,户外在呼唤. 对许多红狐来说, the appeal of the Hudson Valley’s natural landscape makes being at Marist all the more special. Get inspired by some of the Marist community’s favorite outdoor spots, 都位于距离校园不到一小时的地方, 计划你的下一次徒步探险或自然之旅.

bet亚洲365欢迎投注周围的土地是山脉的家园, 森林, 河谷景观, 和其他风景优美的地方去探索和享受乐趣. 我们调查了 学生鼓励环境奉献(SEED)俱乐部的学生进行了采访 圣母郊游俱乐部, and chatted with a number of other juniors and seniors to get the inside scoop on the best nature walks and hikes not far from campus.


俯瞰山野生森林拥有一座历史悠久的消防塔, 山房遗址, 以及哈德逊河谷和卡茨基尔中部的壮丽景色, 都在步行五英里的范围内. 迷人的景色, 深受作家和艺术家的喜爱, 帮助开创了美国的荒野精神.


忽视山. 汀斯利·斯图尔特摄于24年.

“One of my favorite hikes I’ve done is the 忽视山 trail near Woodstock,24岁的汀斯利·斯图尔特说. “这是一条陡峭的道路, 但是接近顶端, 这里有废墟可以探索, 一个可以攀爬的消防塔, 还有哈德逊河的美景.”


Kat Christy '24 and Avalon Johnson '24 with 出ing Club group members at 忽视山. 照片由Kat christie '24提供.

“忽视山 is one of the first hikes I did when I got to Marist and the old hotel ruins on the way up make it so unique,24岁的凯特·克里斯蒂说. “It’s also the first hike we did with the outing club because it’s not too hard and very rewarding with the views!


The 明尼苏达州立公园保护区 has leafy hiking trails that fringe a glacial lake, 有陡峭的悬崖, 瀑布, 开放的草地, 还有宜人的湖岸,都坐落在沙万冈山上. The park offers miles of hiking trails suitable for all skill levels.

Emily Liguori ' 25在明尼苏达州立公园的照片.

Emily Liguori, 25岁,来自明尼苏达州立公园. 图片由Emily Liguori提供. 

“明尼苏达州立公园绝对美丽!25岁的Emily Liguori说. “I have so many great memories of spending time with my friends and family there!”

“Gertrude’s Nose in Minnewaska State Park was the first hike I went on when I arrived at Marist and it remains one of my favorites”, 24岁的阿瓦隆·约翰逊说. “A quick 30-minute drive from campus and stunning cliff-side trails make this 8-mile hike an awesome Saturday activity.”


一次具有挑战性的攀岩徒步旅行, 危险的山脊 features panoramic views in the Hudson Highlands State Park. 非常受欢迎的, many describe 危险的山脊 as a strenuous but doable hike that is thrilling and beautiful.


杰克·戈登25岁,在危险的山脊. 图片由杰克·戈登提供.  

"The 危险的山脊 trail between Beacon and Cold Spring is my favorite hike in the Hudson Valley,25岁的杰克·戈登说. “一路往上爬是一个挑战, but the views along the way and at the peak make every moment worth it!"


位于卡茨基尔公园森林保护区, 卡特斯基尔瀑布深受当地人和游客的喜爱. Kaaterskill瀑布 has captivated the hearts of creatives for years. 这是他最著名的画作之一, 托马斯·科尔, 著名的哈德逊河艺术学院的创始人, 描绘了一个俯瞰卡特斯基尔瀑布的孤独战士.

Image of Zoe Fernandes ‘24 at Kaaterskill瀑布 before taking a swim.

24岁的佐伊·费尔南德斯在凯特斯基尔瀑布游泳前. Zoe Fernandes提供的照片.

"Kaaterskill瀑布 is known for its breathtaking waterfall," said Zoe Fernandes '24. "I start my journey at the top and follow a steep set of stairs down to the other levels of the waterfall. It’s a perfect getaway on sunny spring days because you can take a dip in the cool waters there!"


The Vanderbilt Mansion Estate in Hyde Park is a historic landmark with a Gilded Age mansion, 曾经是弗雷德里克·范德比尔特的家. The meticulously landscaped gardens and expansive grounds surrounding the mansion create a captivating fusion of architectural grandeur and natural beauty to explore.


范德比尔特大厦的花园. 图片由Emma Denes '25提供.

“在范德比尔特大厦宏伟的内部之外, the outdoor portion of the site boasts Italian gardens and terrific aerial views of the Hudson River Valley,25岁的艾玛·丹尼斯说. “I especially enjoy walking down the paved path that leads straight down to the river, where picnic tables – and an up-close look at the passing train – await.”

“I enjoy going to Vanderbilt mansion, especially in the springtime,” said Sarah Marques '24. “There is also so much history when you walk through the park areas.”


Ferncliff 为est has a serene pond and a historic fire tower within its 200-acre nature preserve. 游客 can enjoy twelve miles of trails for walking and mountain biking, providing opportunities for outdoor exploration and peaceful immersion in nature.

24岁的海莉·梅里尔在芬克利夫塔顶. 图片由Haley Merrill提供.

“芬克利夫徒步旅行很美!24岁的海莉·梅里尔说. “我最喜欢的部分是山顶的瞭望塔. I would recommend going in the fall so you can see all of the beautiful foliage that the Hudson Valley has to offer.”


Spanning across 13 acres and residing on the Northmost end of the Marist campus, 蕨类植物Tor serves as both an academic tool for many environmental science majors in research and also as a source of natural beauty on campus.


萨拉·拉比诺维茨在弗恩托尔看着哈德逊河. Sara Rabinowitz摄于24年.

“I enjoy the 蕨类植物Tor nature preserve trail because it’s a great place to go if you need a peaceful place to chill that is right next to campus!24岁的萨拉·拉比诺维茨说.

作为当地的登山专家和bet亚洲365欢迎投注校友 德里克·德林杰,07年 州, “我们的选择太多了, 温和的, and simple walks/hikes in that perfect realm of not too challenging but still beautiful and still invigorating. The area also has options for every range of difficulty that you might want to explore.”

奖金: 达奇斯县的城市轨道

Students have also mentioned their excitement for using the newly opened first phase of Dutchess County’s urban trail project in the City and Town of Poughkeepsie as the weather warms up. 这条小路就延伸到校园东边,横跨1公里.2 miles from the new Hudson 遗产 Plaza to Parker Avenue (State Route 9G).

对更多的远足地点感兴趣? 阅读哈德逊谷杂志的最新消息 哈德逊山谷的顶级徒步旅行.

